Issuance of Certificate of Tree Plantation Ownership (CTPO) for not more than 1,000 hectares

Name of Agency

DENR Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) to Provincial Environment and Natural Resources (PENRO)


Frontline Services

Issuance of Certificate of Tree Plantation Ownership (CTPO) for not more than 1,000 hectares


Schedule of Availability of Service:

Monday to Friday

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. without noon break



Inspection Fee: P50.00


How to Avail the Service

Step Applicant/Client Services Provider Duration of Activity Person in Charge Documentary Requirements
1 Submit request and documentary requirements Receive request and records – 5 minutes Receiving Clerk
  1. Letter Request
  2. Title or Tax Deduction
  3. Pictures of the Site
Give instruction to the Chief, FMS – 5 minutes CENRO
Assign personnel to inspect/verify the request and prepare Order of Payment -30 minutes Chief, FMS
 2  Pay corresponding fee Issue Official Receipt – 15 minutes Bill Collector
Conduct inspection in the area –  4 hours to 5 days depending on the location of inspection area* and schedule of inspection
Plot coordinates on individual and control maps and prepare map – 1 day Chief, Forest Eng’g and Infra Unit
  Prepare and sign report – 1 day Inspection/Evaluation Team
Evaluate and review report – 4 hours Chief, FMS
 Prepare CTPO and initial file copy  – 10 minutes  Chief, FMS, Chief, Utilization Unit
 Approve CTPO  -1 day  CENRO
Release CTPO to client  – 5 minutes  Releasing Clerk
 3 Receive CTPO